Route calculation
Route calculation

Roads taxes of Albania


Be aware that the Albanian roads are in a very bad condition!

There is only one highway in the country that connects the Albanian capital and Durres. Albania is not that rich to afford more high class roads. The majority of the cars used here are old ones, exhaust gas can not clear away that fast, that is why you can face the problem of gas pollution just as it is.

The same as in Russia the Albanians use right driving. That means that you will not experience any problem while driving in the country. That is good because you are to focus your attention on the narrow roads of bad condition.




Be attentive while driving along the serpentine roads, the majority of those do not have any limits and are not equipped with any sort of signs. Please do not play the street races, that will not do you any good at all, especially with the locals who got accustomed to such unequipped roads.

Even in the bigger towns you will not find a pedestrian crossings or traffic lights that is why please be very attentive because the most local drivers do not the follow the road regulations. That means that it ca cause a lot of danger threatening situations on the road for drivers and especially for pedestrians.


Car rental.

If you are not interested in the services of the Albanian buses and the trains of horrible condition, then you can rent a car and reach any hook of the country you like without waiting for the Albanian means of transport to come. In Albania you will find local and international car rental companies.




If you want to rent a car you should have driving license of international standard, appropriate deposit sum (it can be cash or ou can use your credit card). You should be older than 19 years old (in some companies you ate to be older than 21 yearls old to be able to rent a car).

Hitchhiking is very popular in Albania. Free of charge? Don’t even think about it: the Albanian drivers think that if the tourists are capable of paying for bus and train tickets, they are to pay for such a trip too. If you want a driver to give you a lift free, please tell it before you get troubles. “Free of charge” is “falas” in the Albanian.



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