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My first trip to Albania

Author: Admin
City: Bjelolasica
Year of journey: 0
Type of rest: Sea rest


My first trip to Albania



One week ago I concluded my first trip to Albania and I certainly hope it will not be my last. The majority of my visit was a Highlights of Albania tour organized by your company and I am writing to express my appreciation for an experience that surpassed my expectations.

I had been curious to visit Albania for several years already and, in contemplating my long anticipated trip, I was not sure what to expect. Given the rapid changes underway in your country, the guidebooks are dated and most travel agencies outside of Albania with whom I spoke knew nothing of the country. Furthermore, Albanian friends in Canada had recommended that I not travel alone. Thus, I was anxiously searching for a way to visit your country in a comfortable and efficient manner prior to the end of my sojourn in nearby Italy. At first, I tried visiting the websites of agencies listed in the guidebooks but found that in most cases they were not very informative, especially with respect to tour prices and schedules. Often, the quality of their English and Italian translations was mediocre, something that does not inspire confidence when one is considering the significant investment of time and money typical of a guided tour. At one point, I had even contacted an agency directly by phone, but my effort produced no tangible result - they never called me back with the information I requested.

Then I came across your website and that is when everything changed. Not only is your English translation markedly superior to that of several other agencies, but the information provided on your site is substantial and helpful. Just a few minutes of browsing reignited my enthusiasm and restored my hope that an imminent visit was indeed possible. Thus, I wrote an email explaining that I was looking for a tour that would leave as soon as possible. Soon after, I heard from Jonista who was extremely helpful in assisting me with my travel preparations. She was also quite patient as I had many questions and concerns, requiring several email exchanges before I was finally able to confirm my participation in a tour.

With respect to the tour itself, I found that it was logically organized and brought me to the places I wanted to see according to a schedule that was well conceived. All of the hotels in which we stayed were clean, comfortable and well located in their respective towns. Moreover, hotel staff were helpful and friendly, a nice relief from the indifference I have encountered in some of my recent trips elsewhere. More importantly, our guide, Klodian was excellent. Not only was he helpful and informative, explaining much about the places we visited and about Albanian history and culture, but he is friendly, patient and accommodating, undeniable essential qualities for a top notch guide. I should also mention how impressed we were with his superb driving skills.

My experience with Albania Holidays has given me an excellent introduction to your country and provided me with many fond memories. It is my earnest hope to return to Albania as soon as possible, and when I do, I will look forward to booking another tour with your company. Now that I have returned from my wonderful trip, several colleagues and friends have expressed curiosity in visiting Albania. After my good experience, I can easily recommend that they book a tour with Albania Holidays. In fact, I have already begun to do so 


Andrew Colombo, Canada


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